Category Archives: Home

Band of (Mostly) Brothers: Midcoast Millennials Make Music

The last time I saw Alex Wilder, he was decked out in John Lennon glasses, rocking a sold-out performance of A Day in The Life, a multimedia Beatles tribute show he helped create several years ago. It’s just after 8 am when he arrives at the coffee shop in his hometown of Camden where we’ve […]

Chances are you know a woman with endometriosis

  Well, I’m pretty jet-lagged! I returned yesterday from Stanford University, where I was a guest and speaker at an international medical conference, Stanford Medicine X. Having the chance to connect with such a wide range of stakeholders in healthcare and medicine — including other patients— was remarkable. Not only were the professional connections invaluable, […]

Lifeflight Islesboro Crossing in Pictures

Lifeflight of Maine, those helicopters you see flying overheard from time to time on their way to a medical center or the scene of an accident, is partially funded through donation. This life-saving service is in its third consecutive year of raising funds through the Islesboro Crossing. This 5k swim from Lincolnville Beach to Islesboro has […]

4th of July in Midcoast Maine in Pictures

I was workin’ yesterday, but being a journalist gives me the privilege of being part of, and witnessing, some of the most exciting community happenings of the year. It’s true that a lot of times I have to bear witness to or explore the ramifications of terrible tragedies, lost hope and humanity’s utter and seemingly […]

CPR and Basic First Aid Should Be a High School Graduation Requirement

In the wake of that insane 70+ car pile up on I-95 North yesterday, I was especially moved by the account of the off-duty EMT who started triaging folks and no doubt saved a few lives/limbs. I’m astounded that no one died. Whenever there’s a potential ‘mass casualty’ event I ask myself if, with the […]

Snow Days Don’t Exist When You’re A Grown Up

#letitsnow A video posted by Abby Norman (@hazelnoots) on Nov 27, 2014 at 6:11am PST Remember when you were a kid and you would wake up to the delightful realization that it was a SNOW DAY and you DIDN’T HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL?! Great, huh? But then you grow up and suddenly you’re 21 […]